Teaching Objectives

In order to follow the current trend toward internationalization, and to meet the growing demand in industry, business, and academia, The Department of Applied Foreign Languages is making every possible effort to train students to become foreign language professionals. The goal of the department is to equip students who are knowledgeable in a wide variety of fields, are competent enough to communicate, not with fluency alone, but with accuracy, propriety, and ease as well.  This policy, or to be more specific, this commitment to excellence, as demanding as it is challenging, is achieved by the following objectives:

1. To develop students’ English and other foreign language competencies in listening, speaking, reading, and writing. Thereby ensuring that graduates are able to communicate in international cultural exchange activities, and meet the requirements of being 21st-century global citizens.

2. To cultivate students’ ability to appreciate foreign cultures and customs, and thereby broaden students’ minds.

 3. To enhance students’ knowledge of English and other foreign languages, so that they may apply it to their professional and academic courses, and use it as a basis for further study and employment in the future.