ISO 14064-1:2018溫室氣體盤查內部查證員
ISO-14064-1 溫室氣體盤查管理師 GGIM
ISO-14067 碳足跡盤查管理師 CFIM
EMA 創業管理分析師
Level A-National Association for Holistic Aromatherapy Aromatherapies (USA)
Diploma in Aromatherapy. London College of Training & Management(U.K.)
WSET Intermediate: Level 2 Award in Spirits(U.K.)
WSET Intermediate: Level 2 Award in Wines and Spirits(U.K.)
WSET Level 1 Award in Wines(U.K.)
WSET Level 1 Award in Spirits(U.K.)
Introduction To Bordeaux Wine Level 1(France)
Tourism and Hospitality Management Manager
Tourism and Hospitality Digital Marketing Management Manager
Qualified Tourism and Hospitality Marketing Management Manager
Qualified Tourism and Hospitality Service Management Manager
Liu, Tsai-Lin1*(2024). Applications and Research Advances of Bidens alba in Skincare and Health. International Journal of TCM Health Promotion, 8(2),47-66.
Liu, Tsai-Lin1 *(2024). A Study on the Changes and Challenges Faced by the Traditional Herbal Medicine Industry in the Post-epidemic Period,8(1)87-97.
Liu, Tsai-Lin1 *(2024). Intelligent Management: Applications and Challenges of Artificial Intelligence Systems in the Hotel Industry. 2024 International Conference on Hospitality, Tourism and Leisure: Technology, Innovation, and Sustainability (2024 ICHTL).
Tsai-Lin Liu 1*, Chang, Yuan-Pin 2. 3D Food Printing Technology: Applications and Developments in Infancy Solid Food. Tourism and Leisure: Technology, Innovation, and Sustainability (2024 ICHTL).
Tsai-Lin Liu1* Mei-Fang Chen3 Li-Kai Liao2. Study on Consumer Preferences, Satisfaction, and Loyalty towards Taiwanese Souvenirs: A Case Study of Yunlin Country. 2024 International Conference on Management and Service Innovation
Liu, Tsai-Lin1*(2023). Overview of the Application of Mazus pumilus in the Food Industry. Journal of International Esthetic Science.20(2)17-26
Kuo, Wen-Ching, Liu, Hsi-Hsien1*.2023. Navigating the Changing Landscape of the Asian Traditional Herbal Medicine Industry Amidst the COVID-19 Pandemic. International Journal of TCM Health Promotion.7(01)5-24
Liu, Hsi-Hsien1*.2023. Discuss The Application of Chinese Medicinal Materials in Baked Goods and Future Trends and Challenges. International Journal of TCM Health Promotion.7(02)124-144
Liu, Hsi-Hsien1*, Zhang, Rong,Tseng, Shih-Chi.2022. To Explore the Correlation Between Consumer Behavior and the Perceived Value of Food Certification Among Taiwanese Consumers. he Journal of International Esthetic Science19(02)5-23
Liu, Hsi-Hsien1*, Chang, Yuan-Pin2. 2022.Sparkling Wine Consumption: An Exploration Using Taiwan University Students as an Example . 2022 International Conference on Hospitality, Tourism, and Leisure: Health, Well-being, and Sustainability (2022 ICHTL).001
Liu, Hsi-Hsien1*, Tseng, Shih-Chi2. A Preliminary Study of Vegetarian Eating Behavior in Yunlin County Students.2022 International Conference on Hospitality, Tourism, and Leisure: Health, Well-being, and Sustainability (2022 ICHTL).005
曾士齊, ,張淑惠,劉禧賢*。The Fashion Design of the Five Elements and Fire Elements Combined with the Marriage Process. 2022.整體造型研究與設計學術研討會論文集/臺灣.
曾士齊, ,張淑惠,劉禧賢*。The Applications of the Elements of Birth and Death of the Life Cycle in Fashion Styling Design. 2022.整體造型研究與設計學術研討會論文集/臺灣.
Hsi Hsien-Liu, Wen Ching-Kuo.2017. Creative Chinese Food Culture Cuisine-the case of Food Presentation. National Kaohsiung University of Hospitality and Tourism the 17th International Conference on Sustainability of Hospitality and Tourism.
Hsi Hsien Liu. 2016.Discussion on low-carb diet and cognitive and technical training Current Status - A Case Study of the major culinary arts students in eastern part of Taiwan. Journal of Cosmetology management.4-1-02.25-36. (ACI)
劉禧賢/2013.09/複方精油運用于异位性皮膚炎治療之個案研究/美容科技學刊10(3):57-73 (ACI)
劉禧賢/2013.03/單方精油運用于异位性皮膚炎治療之初探-以松紅梅爲例/美容科技學刊/9:(3) 5-14 (ACI)
Hsi-Hsien, Liu,Mei-Ya, Ni,Chi-Lun, Chang,Shih-Chi, Tseng. 2013.Cosmetics Consumer Behavior of Central Taiwan College Students - Colleges in Yunlin County as an Example.Journal of Cosmetology management.9-2-7.p130-114. (ACI)
Li-Chan Liu, Hsi-Hsien Liu, Ming Chu-Tsai/ 2015.11/Proteomic Analysis of Spinal Cord Treated with aFGF in the Chronic Repaired Stage in Rat,14th Human Proteome Organization World Congress – HUPO Vancouver/Canada.
葉力誠、林譽軒、王貴正、劉禧賢*/ 主題式餐廳經營策略探討-以彰化縣田尾地區爲例/ 2016銘傳國際觀光研討會論文集/臺灣
Hsi-Hsien Liu/2015/07/Screening of Papaya Seeds producing Koji Mold and Its Application in Soy Sauce Manufacture. Interdisciplinary Research and Innovation for Sustainable Development in Asia and the Pacific Conference. Thailand.