▲蒙大拿州州長詹福特(Greg Gianforte) (左)參訪明新科大,劉國偉校長(右)代表接待與致贈紀念品
美國蒙大拿州州長詹福特(Greg Gianforte)訪問團一行,今(2)日上午參訪新竹明新科技大學,劉國偉校長率一級主管接待歡迎訪問團,親自介紹半導體學院,以及導覽校內的「半導體人才培育基地」。
劉校長指出,明新科大於2021年率全國之先成立半導體學院,在校內打造有如「Mini TSMC」的「半導體人才培育基地」。除了美國以外,未來還會與日本、馬來西亞、澳洲及越南等國家的大學合作半導體國際人才培育計畫。劉校長說,蒙大拿理工大學(Montana Technological University)是明新科大的姊妹校,兩校合作教育部的「台灣優華語計畫」,現已規劃在蒙大拿理工大學開設華語課,幫助美國學生學習華語。今年12月該校也將有教授和學生前來短期交流。明新科大將發揮在半導體教學領域的優勢,做為合作的起點再逐漸擴展。
On the morning of November 2nd, a delegation led by Montana Governor Greg Gianforte paid a visit to Minghsin University of Science and Technology. President Liu Kuo-Wei(劉國偉) warmly welcomed the delegation and personally introduced them to the Semiconductor School and the "Semiconductor Talent Training Base."
In the welcome ceremony, President Liu highlighted the university's strategic location at the core of the Hsinchu Science Park and Hsinchu Industrial Park. He emphasized Minghsin Tech's close collaboration with the industry and its commitment to internationalizing the university.
President Liu stated that in 2021, Minghsin Tech established the "Semiconductor School" and created the "Semiconductor Talent Training Base," often likened to a "Mini TSMC," to provide students with learning and hands-on experience. He added that the university has plans for future international semiconductor talent development collaborations with universities in Japan, Malaysia, Australia, Vietnam, and the United States.
President Liu also mentioned that Montana Technological University is Minghsin Tech's sister institution, and both universities are collaborating on the Ministry of Education's "Taiwan Huayu BEST Program," which includes plans to offer Mandarin courses at Montana Technological University. Furthermore, a short-term student exchange between the two institutions is scheduled for December.
Governor Greg Gianforte announced, with the support of Taiwan's Ministry of Education, the launch of a Mandarin program for high school and college students at the University of Montana next year. He was delighted to learn about the partnership between Montana Tech and Minghsin Tech, as well as the recent student exchanges that took place over the summer. They are planning to offer short-term exchange programs to nurture semiconductor talent.
Governor Gianforte's primary objective during his visit to Taiwan was to strengthen cooperation in education and trade. Considering that Montana is a hub for optics, photonics, and bioscience in the United States, he visited Minghsin Tech to gain insights into the talent development model in the semiconductor industry. He expressed his hope for more Montana students to have opportunities to study semiconductors and establish long-term, stable partnerships in Taiwan.
Minghsin Tech stood as the only university visited by the Montana delegation during their trip to Taiwan. The delegation was deeply impressed by the university's facilities and environment, which closely simulate a semiconductor factory, offering practical learning and hands-on experience. Additionally, the delegation utilized this opportunity to meet with key industry representatives from companies such as Taiwan Bio Therapeutics(台寶生醫), M & R Nano Technology(科毅科技), EPISTAR Corporation(晶元光電), and KinSus Interconnect Technology(景碩科技) for discussions and exchanges. (Office of International Affairs)
▲蒙大拿州州長詹福特(Greg Gianforte)參訪明新科大「半導體人才培育基地」,參觀半導體基地的教學設備
▲蒙大拿州州長詹福特(Greg Gianforte) (左二)參訪明新科大「半導體人才培育基地」,由劉國偉校長(左三)導覽解說基地的教學設備與育才模式
▲蒙大拿州州長詹福特(Greg Gianforte)伉儷(左二、左一)率團參訪明新科大「半導體人才培育基地」,在劉國偉校長(右一)特別準備的專屬「無塵衣」上簽名
▲蒙大拿州州長詹福特(Greg Gianforte)訪問團一行到訪明新科大,參觀「半導體人才培育基地」,實地了解半導體育才模式
▲蒙大拿州州長詹福特(Greg Gianforte)率團參訪明新科大「半導體人才培育基地」,實地了解半導體育才模式