
Comprehensive professional learning courses for older people:


This department is the first to take the elderly welfare and service industry as its educational philosophy. It emphasizes cultivating students' attitudes towards "humanity, innovation, and service" and is committed to enhancing students' comprehensive learning in care management, social work, and life planning. The curriculum teaching module characteristics are closely integrated with practical industry needs.


Participatory learning training and community service learning:


Emphasis is placed on active participation by students in course activities through teacher guidance, discussion facilitation, and creating an atmosphere of active participation. Relevant courses also involve participating in public welfare activities organized by government departments, foundations, regional teaching hospitals, and community associations to cultivate a sense of application-oriented concepts and abilities among students.


Self-directed learning and autonomous group learning:


To enhance students' ability to self-guide their learning process achieve independent personality development while nurturing social action capabilities. This promotes self-guided critical reflection leading to cooperative actions. In addition to self-directed study groups where they learn about care management, social work practices and life planning industrial chains using proactive methods for deepening their knowledge, which helps them develop graduation employment skills.