Mechatronics Certification Lab.機電整合檢定教室


The Mechatronics Certification Lab. is the training and test for the Mechatronics engineer. The Mechatronics Integration Technician Skills Assessment is a comprehensive evaluation process designed to assess the knowledge, skills, and competency of individuals in the field of mechatronics integration. We have 20 machines for the Mechatronics Integration Technician Skills Assessment (class B and Class C). The Laboratory is also a dedicated facility designed to provide hands-on training, research, and development opportunities in the field of the Internet of Things.



Arduino training machine, Human machine Interface, FX5U PLC and Mechatronics training machine and KingSCADA Software.


丙級檢定機台Certification machines for Class B:

●形狀判別與傳送檢定台(Shape recognition and transmission inspection station)

●姿勢判別與換向檢定台(Posture recognition and orientation inspection station)

●材質分揀與加工檢定台 (Material sorting and processing inspection station)

●顏色辨別與姿勢調整檢定台 (Color recognition and posture adjustment inspection station)

●重量感測與判別檢定台 (Weight sensing and identification inspection station)


乙級檢定機台Certification machines for Class B:

●震動送料與品質檢驗檢定台(Delivery and Inspection Station)

●材料辨識與自動充填檢定台(Material Detection and Filling Station)

●方向判別與裝配檢定台(Pose Inspection and Assembly Station)

●顏色識別與天車堆疊檢定台(Color Detection and Stack Station)

●自動倉儲存取檢定台(Automatic Storage and retrieval Station)