
周昱廷 專案助理教授





+886-3-5593142 # 3391




明新科技大學機械工程系博士後研究員 2023.11-now
明新科技大學電子工程系專任研究助理(博士級) 2023.8-2023.10
明新科技大學電子工程系博士後研究員 2022.8-2023.7
明新科技大學機械工程系專任研究助理(博士級) 2020.8-2022.7
明新科技大學電子工程系兼任助理教授 2020.9-now



         [1] Y. T. Chow, P. C. Jiang, C. T. Chang and C. H. T. Chang* , Fabrication of low-dimensional superparamagnetic vanadium diselenide clusters for expanding magnetic storage capacity, Mater. Sci. Semicond. Process. 165 (2023) 107673. (IF=4.1)
         [2] C. H. T. Chang, Y. T. Chow, P. C. Jiang, T. Y. Fu and J. S. Tsay* , The straightforward fabrication of thin silicide layers at low temperatures by employing the molecular-incident reaction effect, Results Phys. 39 (2022) 105778. (IF=5.3)
         [3] Y. T. Chow, P. C. Jiang, C. H. T. Chang* , T. S. Shen, Y. S. Lee, J. S. Tsay and C. R. Lin, Self-assembled magnetic heterostructure of Co/DLC films, Nanotech. 32 (2021) 495709. (IF=3.953)
         [4] P. C. Jiang, Y. T. Chow, C. W. Chien, C. H. T. Chang* and C. R. Lin, Silica Layer Used in Sensor Fabrication from a Low-Temperature Silane-Free Procedure, Chemosensors 9 (2021) 32. (IF=4.229)
         [5] C. H. T. Chang, P. C. Jiang, Y. T. Chow, H. L. Hsiao, W. B. Su and J. S. Tsay* , Enhancing silicide formation in Ni/Si(111) by Ag-Si particles at the interface, Sci. Rep. 9 (2019) 8835. (IF=3.998)
         [6] Y. T. Chow, B. H. Jiang, C. H. T. Chang and J. S. Tsay* , Enhancing magnetic anisotropy energy by tuning the contact area of Ag and Ni at the Ag/Ni interface, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 20 (2018) 1504–1512. (IF=3.567)





    [1] 場發射測距裝置,中華民國,M638090,江培成、張丞勛、周昱廷、張仲慈、沈添 賜,明新學校財團法人明新科技大學,2023.2-2023.11。

       [2] 微動裝置控制系統,中華民國 ,M641091,張丞勛、江培成、周昱廷,明新學校財 團法人明新科技大學,2023.5-2033.





  1.           [1] Y. T. Chow, P. C. Jiang, C. T. Chang, M. Y. Zheng, C. A. Wang, M. C. Wang, C. H. T. Chang, C. R. Lin and C. F. Chen, poster: “Competition between surface oxidation and carbon synthesis in low-temperature synthesized diamond-like thin films”, 2023 Advanced Materials Research Grand Meeting, Kyoto International Conference Center, G1-P501-09.
  2.          [2] Y. T. Chow and J. S. Tsay, oral presentation: “Magnetic properties of Ni/Si(111) and Co/Si(111) with nanoscale Ag buffer layers”, 2023 annual meeting of Taiwan Association for Magnetic Technology, Mingshin University of Science and Technology, Doctoral Thesis Award OB-03.
  3.          [3] Y. T. Chow, S. Y. Chao, P. C. Jiang, C. T. Chang, C. H. T. Chang* , C. A. Wang and C. R. Lin, poster: “A new method for measuring field emission and emitting spin-polarized electron”, INTERMAG 2023, Sendai International Center, Proceedings of INTERMAG 2023, BS-09.
  4.          [4] P. C. Jiang, Y. T. Chow, C. W. Chien, C. H. T. Chang* , C. Y. Lin, C. F. Chen, and C. R. Lin, online oral presentation: “Ar+ supported DLC deposition by rf-PECVD without sample bias”, International Symposium on Precision Engineering 2020, Nantou County, 15th November 2020, Huisun Experiment Forest Station, Proceedings of International Symposium on Precision Engineering 2020, Session 2B, P. 29.
  5.          [5] Y. T. Chow, B. H. Jiang, C. H. T. Chang and J. S. Tsay* , oral presentation: “Ag capping layers inducing magnetic anisotropy enhancement of Ni/√3×√3R30°- Ag/Si(111)”, TaiwanJapan Joint Workshop on Condensed Matter Physics for Young Researchers, Saga City, December 2019, Saga University.
  6.          [6] Y. T. Chow, B. H. Jiang, C. H. T. Chang and J. S. Tsay* , oral presentation: “Enhancement of magnetic anisotropy and thermal stability of Ni/√3×√3R30°- Ag/Si(111) by silver capping layers”, 20th International Vacuum Congress, Busan, 25th August 2016, Proceedings of 20th International Vacuum Congress, TF-05-3-O-TH.
  7.          [7] Y. T. Chow, B. H. Jiang, C. H. T. Chang and J. S. Tsay* , oral presentation: “The magnetic anisotropy change of Ni/√3×√3- Ag/Si(111) from silver overlayers”, 4th International Conference of Asian Union of Magnetics Societies, Tainan, 3rd August 2016, National Cheng Kung University, Proceedings of 4th International Conference of Asian Union of Magnetics Societies, EA-01, P.A-39 and B-213.
  8.          [8] C. H. T. Chang, Y. T. Chow, T. Y. Fu and J. S. Tsay* , poster: “Transferring mechanism of silicon atoms through √3×√3 3R30°-Ag layer and enhancement of forming Co silicide on silicon substrate”, 2015 annual meeting for Taiwan Neutron Science Society, Nantou, 24th October 2015, 和社自然教育園區.
  9.          [9] C. H. T. Chang, Y. T. Chow, T. Y. Fu and J. S. Tsay* , oral presentation: “Magnetic properties and transferring mechanism of silicon atoms forming Co silicide for Co/ √3×√3R30°-Ag/Si(111)”, 27th annual meeting for Taiwan Association for Magnetic Technology, Taipei, 29th June 2015, National Taiwan Normal University, Proceedings of 2015 Annual Meeting of Taiwan Association for Magnetic Technology and 27th Workshop on Magnetism and Magnetic Technology, S16, P.68.



         [1] 郭恩見、胡煜欣、張丞勛、江培成、周昱廷、蔡志申*,介面層與擴散對 Ni/Ag/Si(111) 磁特性之影響探討,台灣磁性技術協會會訊,67,2020,E1-E5。





半導體檢測技術  電子學實驗(一)


年份 計畫類型 標題
2024 民間企業產學計畫案(私人企業或法人機構之案件) 半導體檢測設備之關鍵零組件開發(I)
年份 標題
2024 Electric field control of magnetic anisotropy and model for oriented Co/graphene design
2024 Pioneering fast and safe low-k silicon dioxide synthesis for modern integrated circuits.
年份 標題
2024 112學年度第2學期大師講座(半導體、醫療、資訊、資安之跨領域產業經驗交響樂)
2024 112學年度第2學期大師講座(AI增強個人職場競爭力)
2024 112-2全校教師輔導知能研習-校園性別事件欲罷-不能-校園霸凌事件樣態與案例分享
2024 全校教師教學暨輔導知能精進研討會-ChatGPT對於教育領域的影響與實務應用
2024 112學年度第2學期大師講座(從加速器超高真空系統建造看國內外真空工業的發展)
2024 認識少年維特的煩惱-淺談憂鬱與焦慮情緒
2024 [現在就是未來] 沒有成功的大學 只有時代的大學
2024 創造力教育:跨域專題導向學習與國際交流
2024 104講堂-「大學生負面情緒檢測報告」
2024 具性別平權的與「愛」同行伴「礙」成長
2024 資安與社交工程教育訓練