2020 |
Optimal Spacing between LED and Photodiode in Reflective Heart Rate Monitoring |
2020 |
The_Analysis_of_Angular_Color_Shift_of_MicroLEDs_with_CCT_at_6500K |
2020 |
The_Enhancement_of_Light_Harvesting_using_Leaf_Structures_Surfac_e_on_Thin-Film_Luminescent_Solar_Concentrators |
2020 |
The_Output_Power_Enhancement_of_Light-Emitting_Diodes_with_Leaf__Structure_Surface |
2020 |
The_Output_Power_Enhancement_of_the_White_LEDs_using_B-carotene__Based_Natural_Dye_with_Remote_Phosphor_Structure |
2020 |
The_Performance_Evaluation_of_Fresnel_solar_concentrator |
2020 |
Design and Implementation of Antireflection Coating of Ta2O5 and SiO2 films for Silicone Layers |
2020 |
利用有機萃取物β-胡蘿蔔素進行暖色溫白光LED之開發 |
2020 |
使用寬頻譜高功率LED進行非侵入式反射光譜血糖檢測技術的開發 |
2020 |
具有葉子表面結構封裝之太陽能模組應用 |
2020 |
圓柱型螢光結構應用於雷射白光照明 |
201710 |
The color enhancement and collimation features of the multi-colored LEDs with different periodic microstructure on the top surface of TIR lens |
2017 |
The Characteristics of Luminescent Solar Concentrators (LSCs) using Inorganic Phosphors |
20151121 |
高演色性白光 LED 顏色推估 |
2015 |
Optical properties of cyclic remote phosphor structure of scattered photon extraction light-emitting diodes |
2015 |
Study on the spectral power distribution of white LEDs with high color rendering property |
2015 |
Effects of the refractive index of the lens on the light-extraction efficiency of emitter-type light-emitting diodes |
2015 |
Effect of reassembled remote phosphor geometry on the luminous efficiency and spectra of white light-emitting diodes |
2014 |
The Optical Characteristics of SPE structure with Reflection Layer |
2014 |
High-Efficiency White LED Packaging with Optical Properties of Different Concentrations of phosphor on the Different Reflectivity Leadframe |
2014 |
Thermal Characterizations of Light-Emitting Diodes with Different Leadframes |
2014 |
The Optical Characteristics of Improved SPE Package Structure for Phosphor-converted LEDs |
2014 |
The Optical characteristics of PC-LEDs with Different Phosphor Concentrations and Leadframe Reflectivity |
2014 |
Spectral of phosphor-conversion light-emitting diodes for ultimate color rendering |
2014 |
Steady State Analysis of the Thermal Resistance for Multi-chip LED |
2014 |
Luminescent solar concentrators with Inorganic Phosphor |
2013 |
The Analysis of Thermal Resistance Measurement with Steady State |
2013 |
Symmetric and asymmetric cups of high-power LED light distribution curve measurement |
2013 |
New Practical Method for Measurement of LED Chips |
2013 |
Thermal Behaviors of LED Packages with Different Silver Thickness on the Leadframe Reflector |
2013 |
Optical Properties of LED Packages with Different Reflectance of the Leadframe |
2013 |
不同碗杯的高功率LED配光曲線之量測 |
2011 |
The Spectrofluorometer System with Blue LEDs to Measure the Phosphor Characteristics |
2011 |
Confocal Micro-Photoluminescence of GaN-based Blue LED Chips with 405 nm Laser Diode |
利用TracePro進行LED路燈設計 |
LED路燈二次透鏡設計 |
LED Type IV路燈二次透鏡設計 |
螢光粉特性的精準量測 |
The Partial Flux Measurement of Light Emitting Diodes with Solar Cell Module |
發光二極體在不同碗杯的熱阻自動量測 |