Assistant professor

JI, SONG-CING Assistant professor






. SCI Papers

1. Hsin-Chia Yang, SungChing Chi,  “Conclusive Model-Fit Current-Voltage Characteristic Curves with Kink Effects”, Applied Sciences, October, 2023,13, 12379

2. Hsin-Chia Yang, SungChing Chi, Wen-Shiang Liao, “Comparison of Fitting Current-Voltage Characteristics Curves of FinFET Transistors with Various Fixed Parameters”, Applied Sciences, October, 2022,12, 10519

3.Hsin-Chia Yang, SungChing Chi, “Optimized E-Class Power Amplifiers Widely Covering 4.5 GHz from 2.5 to 7.0 GHz”, Journal of Internet Technology, V23, No.4, July, 2022

4. Hsin-Chia Yang, SungChing Chi, “Process Corresponding Implications Associated with a Conclusive Model-Fit Current-Voltage Characteristics Curves”, Applied Sciences, January, 2022,12, 462

5. Hsin-Chia Yang, Jui-Ming Tsai, Tsin-Yuan Chang, Wen-Shiang Liao, SungChing Chi, “The Effects of Thickness of Source/Drain Fin on P-Channel FinFET Devices and the Corresponding Quantum Effects”, NanoScience and Nano-Technology Letters, 
Volume 6, 2, pp165-169, Feb 2014


. EI Paper or IEEE Conference Paper

1. 1Hsin-Chia Yang, 1You-Sheng Lin, 1Zhe-Wei Lin, 1Tzu-Chien Chen, 1Sheng-Ping Wen, 1Chen-Yu Tsai, 1Kuan-Hung Chen, 1Pei-Jun Yang, 1Chia-Chun Lin, 1Chang-Ping Hsu, 1Chen-Chien Tsai, 2Yu-Tsung Liao, 1Sung-Ching Chi " Negative Fixed Threshold Voltage on NFinFET Current-Voltage Characteristics Curves”, Proceedings of the 2022 IEEE International Conference on Applied System Innovation, IEEE-ICACII 2022( ISBN:978-1-6654- 9650-6, EI)

2. 1Hsin-Chia Yang, 1Kuan-Hung Chen, 1Tzu-Chien Chen, 1Sheng-Ping Wen, 1Zhe-Wei Lin, 1Chen-Yu Tsai, 1You-Sheng Lin, 1Kuan-Hung Chen, 1Pei-Jun Yang, 1Chia-Chun Lin, 1Chang-Ping Hsu, 1Chen-Chien Tsai, 2Yu-Tsung Liao, 1Sung-Ching Chi " Current-Voltage Characteristics Curves with Fixed Kn”, Proceedings of the 2022 IEEE International Conference on Applied System Innovation, IEEE-ICACII 2022( ISBN:978- 1-6654- 9650-6, EI)

3.Hsin-Chia Yang, Sung-Ching Chi,, Pei-Jun Yang, Chia-Chun Lin, Kuan-Hung Chen, You-Sheng Lin Promising Algorithm Addressing Characteristic Curves of Insulated Gated Bipolar Transistor (IGBT) Fitted by Applying Bipolar Transistor Driven by Insulated Gate Bias 7th IEEE International Conference on Applied System Innovation, IEEE-ICASI 2021 ( ISBN:978-1-6654- 4143 -8, EI)

4.Hsin-Chia Yang, Pei-Jun Yang, Chia-Chun Lin, Kuan-Hung Chen, You-Sheng Lin, Sung-Ching Chi Current-Voltage Characteristic Curves Addressing Non-Linear Kink-like Effects 7th IEEE International Conference on Applied System Innovation, IEEE-ICASI 2021 ( ISBN:978-1-6654-4143-8,EI)

5.Hsin-Chia Yang, Ming-Jun Weng, Yuan-Chou Shen, Yi-Syuan Lin, Min-Hsuan Yang, Yu-Tsung Liao, Sung-Ching Chi, " A Conclusive Algorithm to Model Fit Current Voltage Characteristics Curves of FinFET Transisitor, 6th IEEE International Conference on Applied System Innovation, IEEE-ICASI 2020 ( ISBN:978-1-7281-7536-2,EI)

6.Hsin-Chia Yang, Yang-Ming Yang, Min-Hsuan Yang,  Yi-Syuan Lin, Jia-Jun Lin, Rung Jin Chang, Han Ya Yang, Yu-Tsung Liao, Sung-Ching Chi, "A Conclusive Model-Fit Current-Voltage Characteristics Curves of FinFET Transisitors with Fin Width 120nm, 6th IEEE International Conference on Applied System Innovation, IEEE-ICASI 2020 ( ISBN:978-1-7281-7536-2,EI)

7. Hsin-Chia Yang, Yi-Syuan Lin, Rung Jin Chang, Han Ya Yang, Sung Ching Chi," Electrical Performances of Insulated Gated Bipolar Transistor (IGBT) in Terms of Bipolar Transistor Driven by Insulated Gate Bias, 6th IEEE International Conference on Applied System Innovation, IEEE-ICASI 2020 ( ISBN:978-1-7281-7536-2,EI)

8. Hsin-Chia Yang, Chi-Chan Li, Yuan-Chou Shen, Yi-Syuan Lin, Sung-Ching Chi, Yu-Tsung Liao, "Wide Band Low Noise Power Amplifiers covering 2.4 to 7.1GHz”, 6th IEEE International Conference on Applied System Innovation, IEEE-ICASI 2020 ( ISBN:978-1-7281-7536-2,EI)

9. Hsin-Chia Yang, Rui-Sheng Chen, Ya Yuan Yang, Chun-Kai Tseng, Chia-Juan Tsai, Jian-Jia Tseng, Sung-Ching Chi, 2Yu-Jung Liao " Electrical Performances of NFinFET and PFinFET Transistors Correlating Processing Conditions and Scales of the Fin Structure”, 8th IEEE International Conference on Innovation and CE, IEEE-ICICE 2019 ( First Prize Award, ISBN: 978-1-7281 -0110-1,EI)

10.Hsin-Chia Yang, Chia-Juan Tsai, Chun-Kai Tseng, Ya Yuan Yang, Rui-Sheng Chen, Jian-Jia Tseng, Sung-Ching Chi, 2Yu-Jung Liao" Temperature Effects on Electrical Performances of NFinFET Transistors with Channel Length 90 nanometer” 8th IEEE International Conference on Innovation and CE, IEEE-ICICE 2019 ( ISBN:978-1- 7281-0110-1,EI)

11. Hsin-Chia Yang, Kai-Hung Hsieh, Hsiu-Hsien Yu, Chun-Yian Chang, Kun-Hong Liao, Yu-Jung Liao, Sung-Ching Chi " An Alternative Algorithm to Fit All-Aspect Current-Voltage Characteristics Curves on FinFET Devices”, 2nd IEEE International Conference on Innovation and Invention, IEEE-ICKII 2019 ( ISBN:978-1-7281-0110-1,EI)

12.Hsin-Chia Yang, Kuo-Chin Lo, Hsiu-Hsien Yu, Chun-Yian Chang, Kun-Hong Liao, 2Yu-Jung Liao, Sung-Ching Ch" Electrical Performances of Insulated Gated Bipolar Transistor on Breakdown Voltage Corresponding to the Resulted Voltage due to the Applied Current Source”, 2nd IEEE International Conference on Innovation and Invention,  IEEE-ICKII 2019 ( ISBN:978-1-7281-0110-1,EI)

13.Hsin-Chia Yang, Cheng-Cian Wang, Sung-Ching Chi, Yu-Jung Liao " Evaluation and analysis of the effect of an insulated gated bipolar transistor on the electrical performance of trans-conductance”, Proceedings of the 2018 IEEE International Conference on Innovation CE, IEEE-ICICE 2018 - Meen, Prior & Lam (Eds, EI)

14.Hsin-Chia Yang, Ting-Wei Lu, Tsin-Yuan Chang, Sung-Ching Chi ," The Comparisons between the Two Different Current-Voltage Characteristics Curves on FinFET Device”, Proceedings of the 2018 IEEE International Conference on Innovation CE
IEEE-ICICE 2018 - Meen, Prior & Lam (Eds, EI)

15.Hsin-Chia Yang,"Collective Quantum Behaviors in the Quantum Well Associated with the Strongly Inversed Channel",Proceedings of the 2017 IEEE International Conference on Applied System Innovation
IEEE-ICASI 2017 - Meen, Prior & Lam (Eds)

16.Hsin-Chia Yang, Ting-Wei Lu, Tsin-Yuan Chang, Sung-Ching Chi ,"The Variation of Threshold Voltages Associated with Various Applied Gate Voltages at Different Temperatures on FinFET Devices",Proceedings of the 2017 IEEE International Conference on Applied System Innovation (Best Conference Paper Award)
IEEE-ICASI 2017 - Meen, Prior & Lam (Eds)
17.Hsin-Chia Yang,
Guan-Hao ShenAn Optimal Low Noise Power Amplifier of Ultra-High Gain Extensively Applicable from 2.1 to 5.1 GHz”, Proceedings of 2014 3rd Asia Pacific conference on Antenna and Propagation, 2014, ISSN: 9781-4799-4354
18.Hsin-Chia Yang, Jui-Ming Tsai, Tsin-Yuan Chang, SungChing Chi, “The Determination of Threshold Voltages on N-Channel Fin-FET Devices and the Associated Quantum Effects”, International Journal of Engineering Innovative Technology,
Vol. 3, Issue 5, Nov. 2013, ISSN: 2277-3754

19. Hsin-Chia Yang, Ming-Der Chang, Mu-Chun Wang, Sungching Chi, Chuei-Tang Wang, “3.5 GHz to 10.0 GHz Mixers of High Gain and Good Isolation”, IEEE/ The 6th International Conference on Wireless Communications, Network and Mobile Computing (WiCOM 2011), Wuhan, China
(ISBN 978-1-6252-0) Sep., 2011
20. Hsin-Chia Yang, Kan-Tse Yeh, Ming-Der Chang, Sungching Chi, Shih-Chia Lin, Chuei-Tang Wang, “Study of Nano-regime Strained MOSFETs with Temperature Effect”, 2010 IEEE International Symposium on Next-Generation Electronics, pp. 186-189 , KaoHsiung, Taiwan
(ISBN 978-1-4244-6694-8), Nov. 2010
21. Hsin-Chia Yang, Ming-Der Chang, Kan-Tse Yeh, Sungching Chi, Mu-Chun Wang, Chuei-Tang Wang, “Promising 5.0-15.0 GHz LC Feedback Oscillators”, IEEE/ The 6th International Conference on Wireless Communications, Network and Mobile Computing (WiCOM 2010), Chengdu , China(ISBN 978-1-4244-3709-2) Sep., 2010,



Year Title
2024 Conclusive Algorithm with Kink Effects for Fitting Planar MOSFET Characteristic Curves
2024 Promising Low Noise Amplifiers in Various Frequency Bands from 1.8 GHz to 5.8 GHz
2023 Promising implicit indication by fitting algorithm on MOSFET electrical characteristic curves
2023 Electrical performance of insulated gated bipolar transistor (IGBT) addressed by promising mechanism
2023 Intelligent protection for airport potential threat
2022 Negative Fixed Threshold Voltage on NFinFET Current-Voltage Characteristics Curves
2022 Current-Voltage Characteristics Curves with Fixed Kn
2021 Promising Algorithm Addressing Characteristic Curves of Isulated Gate Bipolar Transistor (IGBT)
2021 Current-Voltage Characteristic Curves Addressing Nonlinear Kink-like Effects
Year Title
2023 Conclusive Model-Fit Current–Voltage Characteristic Curves with Kink Effects
2022 Process Corresponding Implications Associated with Conclusive Model-Fit Current–Voltage Characteristics
2022 Optimized E-Class Power Amplifiers Widely Covering 4.5 GHz from 2.5 to 7.0 GHz
2022 Process Corresponding Implications Associated with a Conclusive Model-Fit Current-Voltage Characteristic Curves
2012 Collective Weibull behavior of social atoms: Application of the rank-ordering statistics to historical extreme events
2012 Negative correlation between power-law scaling and Hurst exponents in long-range connective sandpile models and real seismicity
Year Title
2024 112-2全校教師輔導知能研習-校園性別事件欲罷-不能-校園霸凌事件樣態與案例分享
2024 全校教師教學暨輔導知能精進研討會-ChatGPT對於教育領域的影響與實務應用
2022 2022智財研習
2022 工程學院大師講座-大學國際化的策略與方案分享
2022 教師多元升等經驗分享座談會
2022 工程學院大師講座-科技應用於學習之發展趨勢
2020 產學研究經驗分享
2020 民族主義與客家文化的傳播