
陳邦旭 教授





03-5593142 ext 、3377



年份 計畫類型 標題
2023 校內專題計劃 光輔助低溫操作氣體感測器研製
2022 校內專題計劃 應用表面敏化增強氧化鋅奈纖光催化與氣體感應特性
2022 民間企業產學計畫案(私人企業或法人機構之案件) 應用真空濺鍍法進行裝飾件表面處理
2021 校內專題計劃 多孔性金屬氧化物奈米纖維氣體感測器研製
2020 校內專題計劃 應用光還原法製備奈米纖維/銀複合材料其其光觸媒特性
2019 政府學術研究計畫-國科會專題研究計畫 新穎奈米級感材之氣體感測器開發與可靠度研究
2019 民間企業產學計畫案(私人企業或法人機構之案件) 光阻劑特性研究分析
2018 校內專題計劃 結合溶膠凝膠法與透明電極金屬複合電極製作電致變色元件之研究
2018 政府學術研究計畫-國科會專題研究計畫 具高藍光穿透與低阻抗之可撓式基板開發技術
2016 校內專題計劃 使用臨場氧電漿處理銀層並應用於透明電極可行性研究
2015 政府學術研究計畫-國科會專題研究計畫 具鐵電性氧化鉿薄膜製備與元件應用(II)
2015 民間企業產學計畫案(私人企業或法人機構之案件) 以濺鍍法製備透明導電氧化物薄膜研發與性質分析
2014 校內專題計劃 氧化鉿互補式電阻記憶體製作及特性研究
2014 政府學術研究計畫-國科會專題研究計畫 具鐵電性氧化鉿薄膜製備與元件應用(I)
2014 政府部會產學合作計畫案 建立氫氣產生技術
2014 民間企業產學計畫案(私人企業或法人機構之案件) 以濺鍍法製備銦錫氧化物薄膜研發與性質分析
2013 校內專題計劃 低電阻高穿透率金屬氧化物製備與其特性研究
2013 民間企業產學計畫案(私人企業或法人機構之案件) 以濺鍍法製備銦錫氧化物薄膜研發與性質分析
2012 政府學術研究計畫-國科會專題研究計畫 低電流電阻式記憶體可行性與可靠度之研究(I)
2012 民間企業產學計畫案(私人企業或法人機構之案件) 以濺鍍法製備銦錫氧化物薄膜研發與性質分析
2011 政府學術研究計畫-國科會專題研究計畫 氧化鉿電阻式記憶體研製與可靠度研究(III)
2010 政府學術研究計畫-國科會專題研究計畫 氧化鉿電阻式記憶體研製與可靠度研究(II)
年份 標題
2023 Metal electrodes induced optoelectronic artificial synapses in reactive sputtering In2O3 thin films
2023 Enhanced non-volatile positive optoelectronic memory with In2O3 films though post deposition annealing
2023 Effects of Nitrogen Flow on the properties of Gold-colour Titanium Nitride through Physical Vapor Deposition
2023 Formation of Aluminum Nitride Powders by Aluminum Direct Nitridation with Addition of Ammonium Chloride
2023 RF-sputted In2O3 Thin Films for Multi-levels Nonvolatile Photomemory Programmed by a 365 nm light soucre
2022 Photodegradation of methyl-orange using Ag/TiO2 composite nanofibers
2022 應用電紡製備氧化鋅奈米纖維及其紫外光光降解特性
2021 Palladium ALE Processes (II) with Non-vacuum Infrared Laser Pre-Illumination
2021 Palladium ALE Processes (II) with Steady Etching Vapor Control
2021 Sulfurization of Sputtered TaW Thin Layer through two-step thermal sequences
2021 以紫外光還原法製備銀/氧化鈦奈米纖維與光降解特性
2021 Preparation of ZnO based nanofibers with electrospinning through Taiguchi method
2021 Improved transparency of In2O3 based conductive electrodes through E-beam deposition
2020 氧化鎢/銀/氧化物透明可撓電極可靠度特性研究
2020 應用電紡技術製備摻雜銀之二氧化鈦奈米纖維特性與其光降解效能
2020 應用電紡技術製備氧化銦奈米纖維特性與其光降解效能
2015 High transparency and low resistance of ITO/Ag/ITO stacked layer by sputtering
2015 Highly Robust Self-compliant and Nonlinear TaOX/HfOX RRAM for 3D vertical structure in 1TnR Architecture
2015 High transparent TiOx/Ag/TiOx electrodes on flexible substrate
2015 Low resistance of molybdenum trioxide films with an silver layer by sputtering at room temperature
2015 Low resistance of transparent tungsten trioxide based multilayer films with an silver layer on flexible substrate by e-gun deposition
2015 One-pot fast synthesis of microwave assisted hydrothermal process for cobalt ferrite nanoparticles/reduced graphene oxide composites
2015 Characterization of cobalt ferrite nanoparticles/reduced graphene oxide composites as the microwave absorber
2015 Effects of the precipitants on the characteristics of the cobalt ferrite nanoparticles/reduced graphene oxide composites through hydrothermal process
2014 Effects of Ti inserted layer on the performance of HfOx based complementary resistive switching
2014 利用磁控濺鍍法沉積ITO/Ag/ITO 多層膜
2014 具有高穿透與低電阻的WO3/Ag/WO3 的多層透明導電薄膜
2013 Effect of electrode on the electrical performance of TaOx layer by use of low temperature plasma oxidation
2013 Low resistance and high visible transmittance of transparent ZnO based films with an embedded metal layer by sputtering
2013 Ultra-high LRS Nonlinearity and high speed in HfOX Based Complementary Resistive Switch with Ti electrode for Vertical RRAM
2012 Stabilization of Resistive Switching with Controllable Self-Compliant Ta2O5-based RRAM
2012 Suppressed Soft-errors and Highly Reduced Current for HfOX Based Unipolar RRAM by Inserting AlOX Layer
2011 Challenges and Opportunities for HfOX Based Resistive Random Access Memory
2011 Characterization and improved endurance for HfO2 resistive memory with CMP treated TiN bottom electrode
年份 標題
2019 協助執行封裝類產線計畫
年份 標題
2021 應用臨場氧/氬氣電漿處理銀薄膜之高品質係數氧化銦錫/銀多層透明電極
2021 銀/氧化鈦複合奈米纖維與甲基橙光降解特性
2017 Tailoring transparence in MoOx/Ag/MoOx electrode through Ag by O2/Ar plasma exposure
2017 The Role of Ti Buffer Layer Thickness on the Resistive Switching Properties of Hafnium Oxide-Based Resistive Switching Memories
2017 Retention Model of TaO/HfOx and TaO/AlOx RRAM with Self-Rectifying Switch Characteristics
2017 Scalability and reliability issues of Ti/HfOx-based 1T1R bipolar RRAM: Occurrence, mitigation, and solution
2016 Simulation-based study of negative-capacitance double-gate tunnel field-effect transistor with ferroelectric gate stack
2016 Improved Indium-Free Transparent ZnO/Metal/ZnO Electrode through a Statistical Experimental Design Method
2016 Indium-free transparent TiOx/Ag/WO3 stacked composite electrode with improved moisture resistance
2014 Novel Defects-Trapping TaOX/HfOX RRAM With Reliable Self-Compliance, High Nonlinearity, and Ultra-Low current
2014 Enhanced endurance reliability and low current operation for AlOx/HfOx based unipolar RRAM with Ni electrode
2014 Impact of self-complementary resistance switch induced by over-reset energy on the memory reliability of hafnium oxide based resistive random access memory
2013 Polarity dependence of forming step on improved performance in Ti/HfOx/W with dual resistive switching mode
2013 Effect of ITO electrode with different oxygen contents on the electrical characteristics of HfOx RRAM devices
2013 Impacts of post metallization annealing on the memory performance of Ti/HfO2 based resistive memory
2013 Impacts of device architecture and low current operation on resistive switching of HfOx nanoscale devices
2013 Good Memory Performance and Coexistence of Bipolar and Unipolar Resistive Switching for CMOS compatible Ti/HfOX/W memory
2013 Scalability Issue in Ti/HfO Bipolar Resistive Memory with 1T-1R Configuration by Resistance Pinning Effect During 1st RESET and Its Solution
2013 Improvement of Switching Uniformity and Scalability in 1T-1R HfOx-based Bipolar Resistive Memory with Zr Insertion Layer
2012 Improved endurance in ultrathin Al2O3 film with a reactive Ti layer based resistive memory
2012 Impact of Flattened TiN Electrode on the Memory Performance of HfOx based Resistive memory
2012 Resistive switching characteristics of multilayered (HfO2/Al2O3)n n = 19 thin film
2012 Metal-Oxide RRAM
2012 A 50ns Verify Speed in Resistive random access memory by using a Write Resistance Tracking Circuit
2011 Robust High-Resistance State and Improved Endurance of HfOx Resistive Memory by Suppression of Current Overshoot
2011 Challenges and Opportunities for HfOX Based Resistive Random Access Memory
2011 Investigation of the effect of different oxygen partial pressure to LaAlO3 thin filmproperties and resistive switching characteristics
年份 標題
2024 112-2全校教師輔導知能研習-校園性別事件欲罷-不能-校園霸凌事件樣態與案例分享
2024 全校教師教學暨輔導知能精進研討會-ChatGPT對於教育領域的影響與實務應用
2023 全校教師教學暨輔導知能精進研討會-淨零轉型下綠色永續科技發展趨勢
2023 全校教師教學暨輔導知能精進研討會-私校退撫儲金-您的基本權益
2023 2023明新科技大學第三屆工程科技技術應用研討會
2023 111學年度第二學期全校教師教學暨輔導知能精進研討會
2023 112-1全校教師輔導知能研習-校園性別事件樣貌與案例分享-以師生案之處理為核心
2022 2022年通識教育教學創新與實踐學術研討會
2022 理財實務與金融科技應用研習營
2021 智慧零售與大數據分析
2021 AI 機器學習與深度學習應用-使用Python與R 語言
2021 ESB創業經營核心職能國際證照研習會
2021 人工智慧教學應用Workshop(上午場)
2021 人工智慧教學應用Workshop(下午場)
2021 動物救援教會我們的事
2021 音樂提升免疫力
2021 創玩一人公司
2021 110 年ODF線上教育訓練-Calc試算表
2021 110 年ODF線上教育訓練-Writer合併列印應用
2021 110 年ODF線上教育訓練-PDF編輯應用
2021 2021明新科技大學工程科技技術應用研討會
2021 數位影片非線性剪輯實務研習
2021 110學年度第1學期追夢辦公室-機械工程系專題講座(搬運工之子創業心路歷程分享)
2021 110學年度第1學期追夢辦公室-機械工程系專題講座(我的學術日常)
2020 產學研究經驗分享
2020 109 年明新科大工學院跨領域講座-人工智慧應用與發展(周至宏)
2020 109 年明新科大工學院跨領域講座-2020 AI Paris 創新跨域應用(李峮慧)
2013 International Electron Devices and Materials Symposium
年份 標題
2024 ISO 14064-1:2018溫室氣體盤查內部查證員
2024 ISO 14064-1:2018溫室氣體盤查 主導查證員認證
2016 CPA 芳香療法應用師證書-乙級證照